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Embodied Leadership


Horses are powerful teachers of congruence, presence and leadership - experience the power of Equine Facilitated Learning for yourself.

Benefit from the six-session programme outlined above plus the powerful learning gained from three sessions of Equine Facilitated Learning for Leadership.


Working with the horses in this way can really help to get to the heart of the issue.  This method of learning is experiential and can offer a visceral and felt sense of insight which often takes longer to achieve through traditional coaching.


Come and spend some structured time with the herd to learn what leadership lessons they have to teach you.

Kate Ensor working with Helios

Sessions can be scheduled to suit your busy diary and sessions are generally organised on a monthly basis.


Leadership coaching Sessions are usually held over Zoom, Teams or Skype.  


Equine Facilitated Learning for Leadership sessions, included in the Congruence programme, enable you to experience the revitalising benefit of time in nature, alongside my herd of wise and gentle equines, on the edge of the Bambesch forest in Bereldange, Luxembourg. 


EFL sessions in the UK and France can also be arranged, on request, in collaboration with my network of EFL colleagues.


Corporate rates?
I offer a range of rates for corporate organisations, charities/ ASBLs and private individuals. Contact me to find out more

Kate Ensor and client


Embrace your authentic leadership style

We are all unique and your leadership style should reflect this.  Your Clarity Leadership Programme is completely tailored to your individual needs and goals. 


The programme will help you to get clear on your leadership strengths, embrace your authentic leadership style and as a result lead yourself and your team with clarity and confidence.


The topics we cover will depend on what is important and useful to you.  During a six session programme common areas of focus include:


  • Gain clarity on your leadership goals

  • Own and embody your unique strengths

  • Identify limiting beliefs and behaviours and develop strategies to overcome them

  • Manage conflict and build effective relationships

  • Develop embodied strategies to support resistance and well-being

  • Practice ways of being that help you work wisely with what is present in each moment


What my leadership clients say about working with me

“Kate has a huge knowledge about management/leadership/people skills and always shares interesting and relevant models backed up by suggestions for reading/links to talks and sets useful tasks.  I value the time I spend in sessions with Kate and her ability to provide positive feedback and reassurance and generally end a session in a more positive frame of mind,”


“I have learned how to manage stress more effectively and reengaged with informal and formal mindfulness.  I have felt more validated as a leader or more generally in my working life which has improved my performance.  I have discovered a sense of confidence that I feel has been missing for a while, this has empowered me find a new job. “


“The coaching sessions provided me with different tools to better manage my stress and to be more aware of the present and stop focusing on the past and the future.  It helped me recognising the importance of connecting with the present moment and becoming more aware of it… I would strongly recommend coaching with Kate.”


“I find Kate supportive, understanding, and empathic balanced with being challenging, able to give constructive feedback and hold me to account for actions/choices without judgement.”

A Trusted Guide

Offering over 25 years’ experience as a leadership coach, my approach to coaching is built on a firm theoretical foundation, informed by a range of coaching approaches, and infused with mindful awareness.

Mastering Others is Strength, Mastering Yourself is True Power
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